Monday 8 July 2013

Excuse the dust!

We're trying to settle in and keep moving the furniture, eventually we'll get it how we like it but being women we will move it a hundred times and eventually settle with where it was the first time.  So..who are we?  Well I'm Jo, she's Robyn.  We are friends that met on xbox and decided after a couple of years of chatting that we talk so much that we might as well punish the world as a whole.  We later realised that the world as a whole probably doesn't give a shit about what we have to say, but suck it up buttercup, we're saying it anyway.

I feel like Robyn should be doing some of this introduction, but I'm here and she's not.  She is currently sick - like not fully sick...just sick.  Hi Robyn *waves* hope you get better soon.  So more about us. Umm...we both have kids.  Not together, that'd be weird...I have one, she has some.  Our boys now play xbox together too.  We met playing MW3 and we now play Black Ops 2 together regularly, though I've been sucked back into the minecraft world lately and I've been pleading with her to join us....  She never joined me on Borderlands 2 for more than 5 minutes so I'm guessing she's going to flake out on me in minecraft as well >.<

What else...I'm in Brisbane, she's in WA.  Honestly I think that's about it! Now that I think about it, we're pretty uninteresting, so i have no idea what we are going to put here!  Time will tell...



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